25 Tips and Tricks for Solo Play: A Guide to Female Masturbation

25 Tips and Tricks for Solo Play: A Guide to Female Masturbation

Girls masturbate too. There, I said it. For some reason society feels weird about the idea of women pleasuring themselves… We hear and see hundreds if not thousands of jokes, remarks, comments, or scenes about male masturbation, it has been so normalized and accepted. We ALL know guys like to jerk off, but guess what? Not only do women enjoy it as well but masturbation benefits them more than men. It is time to break yet another gender gap and really talk about it.

But why should you masturbate?

As if feeling amazing was not a good enough reason, here’s 5 more:

First of all, it is scientifically the absolute best stress reliever.

Life feels like a constant mess or maybe you just had a stressful day? Why not allow yourself a little treat to forget it all? There is nothing better to unwind. Masturbation helps you relax. In short, it replaces a cigarette or even a nap. In fact, 39% of Americans admit to caressing to relax ... In fact, when we masturbate, our brain releases endorphin, a hormone that brings a sense of well-being. And if, in addition, you reach an orgasm, the endorphin discharge is such that you instantly feel good!

Secondly, it will make your couple stronger.

No, masturbation is not a selfish act, it is quite the opposite! When we make love with our partner, we can’t wait for him to bring us an orgasm, just like that, without even knowing what we like. We have to guide them, show them what makes us feel good. And, to find out, nothing like masturbation! Discover your body, explore your erogenous zones, pinch, caress, touch ... Masturbation contributes to the development of your sex life, and guarantees very satisfying moment with your special one!

Third, it will make you sleep like a baby.

To fight insomnia, you have tried everything: herbal teas, grandmother's remedies, sophrology… Nothing works. What if masturbation became your new sleeping pill? Did you know that women who caress themselves before bed get a calmer and deeper sleep than others? It’s because masturbation causes the brain to release neurohormones, in particular endorphins, hormones known to promote sleep. But also, because the blood pressure decreases ... And this combination of factors makes it easier to get that good night’s rest you desperately need.

Fourth, it does wonders to your health.

Definitely, endorphin, released when you masturbate, has many advantages. In addition to ensuring our well-being, this hormone also has analgesic properties! Masturbating would therefore fight against migraines and cramps. Better than an aspirin pill, right? Another significant advantage, a study has shown that this activity considerably increases our levels of estrogen, another typically female hormone that turns out to be an excellent bulwark against heart problems ... which is another win in my book.

Finally, it will help you refocus and get in touch with yourself (see what I did there?)

During the day you don't have time to breathe. Between kids and work, it's hard to find a moment to take care of yourself. Exercising? Dieting? Spa Day? You think about it, (even planned it!) but it always falls apart. Masturbating doesn't take a long time, doesn't require any movement, and is a good way to refocus on yourself. It's the equivalent of a good bath, the opportunity to take time for yourself, to reconnect with yourself and to listen to your body. For a few minutes, the only important thing is you. And that feels good.

It is time to take the matter into our own hands...literally with 25 tips and tricks- from things to avoid to tips on how to enhance your experience.

Solo play

1. Don't masturbate in unfavorable conditions

The worst enemy of masturbation is stress. When the circumstances are not favorable (when there is a risk of being surprised, for example or something requires your immediate attention) it’s best to simply give up and postpone this intimate moment of pleasure until later! (Unless it actually turns you on - no kink shaming here) At the end of the day, you want this to be a relaxing moment, not just another chore and being stress will make it harder for you to orgasm or simply enjoy yourself.

2. Set up the mood

Just because you are enjoying yourself solo doesn’t mean you have to always do it in a cold dark room! Set the mood for yourself! Add scented candles, wear your favorite lingerie, turn on the music and get busy! This will seriously elevate your whole experience. Why not even make a sexy playlist filled with your favorite songs that really turns you on? If you willing to do all these things for someone else, shouldn’t you do it for your own self? Don’t just masturbate, make love to yourself.

3. Don't always masturbate the same way

There are some masturbation techniques are more effective than others in reaching sexual nirvana of course but be careful! Although it feels good now, over time the pleasure might diminish if that the act becomes purely mechanical. Dare to test new ways and tools to keep that fiery passion burning!

4. Be adventurous

There are so many different ways you can switch up the pace. From a new sex toy to a new location (have you ever thought about having a vibrator on in public?), muster the courage to try something new. Do not limit yourself, you want to keep this exciting and passionate. Challenge yourself into a new sexual adventure once a week, you will discover more about yourself than you ever did and it’s totally worth it trust me.

5. Solo Masturbation

Contrary to what one might think, masturbation is not a purely solitary act: it is also part of the development of a couple's sexual life. You need to love yourself before your love someone else, right? Well, I think you need to know how to make love to yourself before making love to someone else. Your partner will get to see exactly what you like and where you like it. A good way to (finally) get babe to discover your clitoris... and get that sex session to the next level.

6. Talk about it openly with your partner

Maybe you need more alone time to get busy? Maybe you find your partner is masturbating too much…. or too little? Whatever it is, being able to talk about not only sex but masturbation shows maturity in a couple. Let’s face it (we are all adults here) we need to stop making both sex and masturbation a taboo subject! An honest discussion on sex and\or masturbation can do a lot of good for your little love nest so be open about it.

7. Don't masturbate ... and then feel guilty

Stop torturing yourself, masturbation is okay. Let me say it louder for the people in the back. MASTURBATION IS OKAY. It does not matter if you masturbate frequently, or if you masturbate while watching porn, or if you decide to masturbate at 2 pm right before your Zoom meeting. Masturbation is a healthy and natural act!

8. Invest into yourself

Masturbation is an act of self-love, remember? So, don’t be stingy on yourself… splurge a little! Look good for yourself! Go get that mani-pedi, add in those acrylics tips you’ve always wanted. Maybe get your lashes done or try a new facial or spend a little extra on a lace bra set that makes you feel sexier than Rihanna instead of the same white cotton panties you get at Walmart. Why? Because when you look sexy, you feel sexy and when you feel sexy, well … you feel horny. 😉

9. Don't focus only on the clitoris

Did you think that you only need to go to town to feel good? I won’t deny it, yes, the clitoris is the organ of female pleasure of excellence. However, the clitoris is not the only erogenous zone of the female body, far from it! From your chest to your thighs, your lips to your neck ... take this as an opportunity to discover your body!

10. Try to cum without touching your clitoris

OK, I know I sound crazy but hear me out. It’s such a fun experiment. Instead of touching your clitoris try massaging your breasts, tease your asshole, use your vibrator on your inner thighs or on your lower abdomen, lick your lips, in short tease yourself…. until you cum! Trust me, it’s out of this world amazing

11. More than your fingers

If masturbating with your fingers does not do much for you, why not consider using a sex toy? Clitoral stimulator, anal plug, dildo ... there is something for everyone and there is no shame in it. Take a trip to your local sex store or just order online if you prefer discretion (or just not leaving your house).

12. Use the shower head

Too lazy to shop for anything? (Don’t worry, same here) You can still experience the ecstasy of masturbation without too much effort and your shower head is your best ally! You just need to direct the jet of water where it is needed to give yourself voluptuous sensations. Thanks to the pulsation of water, your clitoris is directly stimulated, much like using a sex toy. You can even have fun by varying the pressure and temperature of the water. Depending on the model you have, it is also possible to vary the jets to increase the pleasures. If you are looking for more thrills, don’t hesitate to unscrew the knob!

13. Don't set a goal, a performance, or expectations

We say it times and times again, it’s true for sex but for masturbation too: orgasms are absolutely not mandatory. You can also masturbate "just" to have a good time with yourself, without any pressure. Remember, it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.

14. Be kind to yourself

No matter what you may see portrayed in the media or in porn, remember that you are a beautiful woman. Love your body, every inch of your body, for who you are, what you like and where you are in life. Use masturbation as a tool to become one with yourself. Be kind to yourself, you deserve it.

15. Throw out the rule book!

Every woman is unique, you did not need me to tell you that, it’s pretty obvious. Therefore, because we are unique it is absurd to follow generic instructions for learning to masturbate. Of course, it helps to read about and learn new things, but at the end of the day each one of us will have to define what is pleasurable, thanks to experiments and ... to practice!

16. Use both hands to increase pleasure

Get into a comfortable position. Place your fingers on either side of your clitoris and gently vibrate it. Use the fingers of the other hand to stroke the pleasure button by varying the pressure and speed. You can also slide your fingers up and down the sides of your clitoris. Stick to this way of doing things, trying not to slip into your ritual of intimate caresses. This will help you expand your repertoire of techniques for reaching orgasm.

17. Slow and steady...

Reaching orgasm in 10 seconds is nice ... until it isn’t. Getting bored? What if we were introduced to slow sex? Not everything needs to be rushed it life, good things takes time, right? A (little) longer masturbation session to allow time for the pleasure to rise to crescendo. A real naughty moment, one-on-one with yourself!

18. Make the pleasure last

Lie on your back and moisten your fingers with your saliva or some lube, then use your index and middle fingers to gently tap your clitoris. Vary the pace until your pleasure button pops out of its hiding place. Resist the temptation to pick up the pace to make the game more exciting. Instead, make small circular motions. When you are on the verge of orgasm, insert a finger or two (watch your fingernails) into your vagina and use your fluids to lubricate your clitoris. As the excitement builds, this organ becomes more and more sensitive. Lubricating it will therefore allow you to avoid irritation. It’s only once you’re about to cum that you can let go, stimulating your clitoris however you want. Circular or bottom to top movement, it's up to you! The key is to avoid any rush to bring the fun slowly to its peak!

19. Imagination is the key

Yes, it is perfectly possible to masturbate without imagining anything. But where’s the fun in that? Sky really is the limit when it comes to masturbation. It could be anyone, anywhere… anything to fuel the fantasy machine really. Will you allow yourself to do so?

20. Lie on your stomach

Lie on your stomach, placing a pillow or bolster between your legs, and begin the back and forth movements. You can also make a ball out of fabric (the corner of a sheet, a quilt, the sleeve of a T-shirt) the size of a tennis ball. Wedge this improvised sex toy between the mattress and the clitoris. Then waddle the pelvis up and down, but not too fast! The advantage of this way is that it stimulates not only the clitoris, but also the labia. A wave of electric pleasure will not be long in shaking you. You can just as easily replace the ball with your hand or with a suitable sex toy.

5 extra naughty tips for extra naughty girls

Naughty Solo Masturbating

  1. Take your pinky finger, run it through some cooling lubricant, place it directly on your clitoris. Masturbation is even better!
  2. Make a sex tape! It could be for your eyes only or not if you decide to share it. Choose the lighting, your clothes, and get that camera rolling!
  3. Talk dirty to yourself. No, you won’t sound stupid and no one will hear what you say anyways. Lose yourself!
  4. Position yourself just like your favorite sex positions (if possible), From doggy, to missionary, to laying on the side, it’s truly up to your desires.
  5. Taste yourself. Finger yourself and lick those juices. You are simply delicious, don’t you think?

Fun facts about solo play

  • The pleasure it provides releases endorphin, an anti-stress hormone and the best of sleeping pills. The best after a tiring day at work.
  • In 4 minutes of masturbation, 95% of women reach orgasm! Sometimes more effective than having actual sex ...
  • It's a great painkiller: yes, endorphin also acts as an analgesic!

As you can see, masturbating will work wonders on you. You will rediscover yourself, feel more satisfied and in touch with your body. And it's not that complicated ... You just need to adopt the right techniques! I hope I’ve given you more than enough reasons on why and how you should indulge in some gentle self-petting. Now, go ahead, grab that dildo and go forth to at last put that knowledge to good use, and get ready for the best masturbation session you’ve ever had.

I'd love to hear any extra tips or tricks you have! Share in the comment section below xxx

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