About Us

The origins of the Opuliss brand come from a casual catch up with a few friends.  Somehow, after a few drinks, the conversation went down the path of self-pleasure and it was a surprise to everyone how common this was among the group. 

The topic then turned to "if this is so common then why is it never talked about and why does self-pleasure have to be such a taboo topic?"

Several weeks and months went by with this topic continuing to come up in discussion.  A bit of research was conducted online into what devices are being used these days, a small order of samples were purchased and distributed to range of people from different backgrounds and social groups. 

The feedback across the board was phenomenal so collectively we decided to head down the path of sourcing and developing a range of products that are both elegant and effective while also aiming to break down the barriers that have made this essential part of everyday life a secretive and hidden topic. 

At Opuliss we believe in your right to self-pleasure and the empowerment, stress release, and ecstasy that comes along with it.

We pride ourselves on bringing only the very best products to market.  All our products have been carefully selected and tested by us so that nothing gets in the way of your pleasure.

In a few words, customer satisfaction is what we are all about.  We are delighted to welcome you to the Opuliss family.